Tom Hudson

In the studio 7/19/15

I’ve been preparing canvases (stretching, applying gesso and toned grounds) and doing a lot of drawing. I thought Graduation Day was ready for the end game several times but I was wrong. It’s close now.  Some things that bothered me have been worked out (no, I won’t tell). Tomorrow, it’s back to drawing.

How Art Became Irrelevant

Michael J. Lewis‘ long piece in Commentary titled, How Art Became Irrelevant, is a tour de force of cultural analysis.    In his well-written and long article (did I mention it is long?), Lewis’ breadth of knowledge provides a wealth of thoughtful observations and quotable passages. To buttress his main thesis, which I think is reasonably embodied in the…

In the studio 7/5/15

This unfinished painting on the easel, Euclid Avenue II, is from my Playhouse Square series. (Euclid Avenue I has a lot more figures and is still in the drawing stage.) The painting is 4′ x 5′ and simply covering it with paint a bit of chore.  I’ve already spent a lot of time on it,…

In the studio 7/2/15

Woman in Purple Boots is 40″ x 50″.  No part of the painting is finished; I’m in my second passage through it. This painting is has gone smoothly –so far. The scale is interesting. It’s not so big that just covering it with paint is a chore.  But it’s big enough that eight figures, even…