Tom Hudson

Ray Must 1929 – 2022

Today, I received the sad news that one of my teachers, Ray Must, died. I didn’t cotton to art school. I was a difficult student; actually one of the worst types: impatient, judgemental, and burdened with an extra-large dose of youthful angst. Luckily for me, Ray was an angst-ridden student whisperer. With his patience, kindness,…

Site update

I posted yesterday and then realized that it’d been almost three weeks since my last post! I knew it had been too long but I hadn’t realized it had been that long. I’ve been busy working on my long-planned updates. Eventually, this blog will move to the domain and merge with my SubStack site,…

Lead white roundup

I am testing the excellent Michael Harding brand Cremitz white. It really is good stuff. Along with Kremer’s Cremitz white, it’s among the best lead whites that I’ve used. Of course, the lead whites from all the manufacturers still providing the all-important paint are excellent. By the last count, there are eight art supply manufacturers…

New series

I am embarking on a new series: Amusement Park. After my last visit to Cedar Point, I’ve amassed 1500 photos. I bought a season pass and intend many more visits. Amusement Park joins my two other series: Playhouse Square, and Main Street. I am still have many more paintings in the works in the Main…


After a bitter and scandal-filled election and with an increasingly divided nation, you might think that the Biden administration would move with circumspection and try to heal the country. Not at all. They are dead set on ‘The Great Reset,’ which turns out to mean overturning the social order without changing leadership. Because the ballot…

Am I Irish?

My Ancestry DNA test contains few surprises. As expected, the results show I am mostly English and Scottish. Also expected is a Northern European connection, pointing to Northern France and Belgium. Family lore maintains that we have Native American ancestors which turns out to be true. But there are a few surprises. 3% Welsh? I…

Additional updates

As I wrote yesterday, I updated the gallery with two paintings that I finished last year. Here is the second one titled The Singer: The Singer is 40″ x 50.” The WordPress plug-in I use to manage my gallery, NextGen, failed so I opened a support ticket. As with the other times that I’ve had…