Finished ‘Graduation Day’
I finished Graduation Day yesterday. Graduation Day is 42" x 56." Twice before I thought I was approaching the finishing session only to run out of steam. But yesterday's morning session went well, so I was…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
I finished Graduation Day yesterday. Graduation Day is 42" x 56." Twice before I thought I was approaching the finishing session only to run out of steam. But yesterday's morning session went well, so I was…
This small painting (20" x 24") is on a canvas board I prepared with traditional gesso (just whiting and glue). I like traditional gesso a lot. It's smooth and slightly absorbent. Unfortunately, it's too fragile…
Graduation Day is almost done. I teed it up today for the finish, but only shot par. I have to beat par--come on. Some things still bug me; the purple dress for one, and a couple of…
My kids are used to seeing themselves in paintings. I use them as models a lot, although less these days than previously. Painting children is challenging and can easily lead to kitsch. There are always…
I finished Taking Note this morning. This was my 15th session with the 42" x 56" oil. I don't know the sitter. She is (I think) on the staff of the Cleveland Museum of Art.…
Jane and Keith Aboard the Betty Jane is 4' x 5'. I've only had a few painting sessions so it's just now shareable. I think you can get a sense of what it's about. Paintings…
I put my mind to finishing Main Street II yesterday. You get in that groove where everything goes clickety-clack smooth and all problems become trivial and melt away. You know that groove? 12 hours yesterday and back…
This is the first time I've shown Break. Break is 40" x 50" and I've had four painting sessions. Break is another of my Playhouse Square series. The painting in the background, Euclid Avenue II,…
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