Category: Studio Corner

In the studio 7/2/15

Woman in Purple Boots is 40″ x 50″.  No part of the painting is finished; I’m in my second passage through it. This painting is has gone smoothly –so far. The scale is interesting. It’s not so big that just covering it with paint is a chore.  But it’s big enough that eight figures, even…

In the studio 6/14/15

I had two more painting sessions on Washington Square.  I finally got the pigeons in there (can you see all 7 of them*?).  Washington Square has a hole in the middle which is supposedly a no-no.  Cleveland has a painting by Poussin with the same empty center, and it’s very effective. It took me awhile to…

In the studio 6/7/15

Grandfather was turned against the wall for a long time; I just didn’t like the direction it was going.  Since then I’ve completely altered the background by adding the landscape through the window, and the green curtains.  I wanted to make a painting that didn’t look ‘modern.’  I used to think about categories of subject…

In the studio 5/17/15

Yesterday’s session with Taking Note was my 6th, according to my trusty studio journal. It’s coming along–so far so good. With such a simple design, the drawing has to carry the load. Well, that’s true for all my paintings, but in the more complicated ones there are other things that can make or break them, such…

In the studio 5/10/15

This morning’s painting session was my 15th on The News. I finished the painting and took a short break, celebrating with a cup of coffee. Returning to the studio, I immediately realized the last thing I painted was too strong and needed healing.  I worked another 45 minutes and set the brush down and went upstairs for a…