In the studio 7/31/16
Playhouse Square Trip is, as the name implies, part of the Playhouse Square series. The design is based on several photos I took during one of my photo sessions at the Square. As readers know,…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
Playhouse Square Trip is, as the name implies, part of the Playhouse Square series. The design is based on several photos I took during one of my photo sessions at the Square. As readers know,…
Living in NE Ohio, I had to the visit the RNC. I spent two hours yesterday in downtown Cleveland. I took a lot of photos but I was still surprised when I got home and…
After completing the cartoon for this painting, I transferred it to a canvas, as you can see in the photo. A cartoon, I remind you, is a drawing used as a template for a painting. Cartoons are…
I've stretched and gessoed a large number of canvases this week. Soon, my store of stretchers will be exhausted. I'm concentrating on several dimensions: 36" x 48", 40" x 50", and 44" x 60". I…
My journey with Picnic is meandering. Originally, there were a lot of figures in the background. Then, deciding that was too distracting, I took out many of them. That's when the painting stalled. Eventually, I…
Main Street #1 is another painting based on Vermilion's Main St. I already finished Main Street #2 even though I started it after #1. [caption id="attachment_6031" align="aligncenter" width="600"] 'Main Street #1'[/caption] I plan several more…
These small still lifes are based on photos I took during a trip to Colorado with my son, Garth. I started both of them the same morning, the upper one first. The larger one is 24"…
Aboard the Betty Jane is another of the 48" x 60" canvases I recently wrote about. This painting is based on some photos taken during a fishing trip abroad my boat. The Betty Jane is…
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