Category: Uncategorized
In the studio 2/18/15
The under-painting is done on The Photographer. All color areas are close to their planned final tone. Having said that, no part of the painting is finished; with the figure being the least finished. I'm…
In the studio 2/1/15
I had my first painting session with Taking Note yesterday. Yesterday's session will be the first of 12 or so. I can't remember how many drawing sessions I had before I started painting--4 or 5…
Oil brush update 1/30/15
I've bought brushes marketed as 'Russian-made sables' at different times and from different vendors. The actual manufacturer is obscure. Their only identifying marking is the distinctive logo, which you can see in the accompanying photo.…
In the studio 1/25/2105
Main Street #1, or 'The Antique Shop,' is on the easel in this photograph. I had a couple of good, long sessions on it today. I'm having fun painting the bric-a-brac in the shop window.…
Oil brush reference
I wrote about oil brushes before and it's a good topic to expand. This post is a companion to my Oil Paint Brand reference and, like that post, I'll update this one as I get new material. When I…
A visit to the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Asian collection
The Cleveland Museum of Art recently rotated its vast Asian collection, which I happily discovered during Friday's visit. After a Caesar salad in the Atrium cafeteria--'extra anchovies, please'--I started my weekly ramble in the galleries…
I am working on a new oil brush reference
I am working on a new oil brush reference that is a companion to my Oil Paint Brands reference. I will discuss the brushes I'm familiar with and rate them too. I'll update it as I…