In the studio 5/4/2014

Here is another painting from the cycle of large paintings ( this one is 42″ x 56″) that I am doing. The drawing was finished yesterday and it took yesterday and today to finish the initial under-painting. Following my usual practice, the detailed drawing–pencil over a raw umber ground–took several days. After fixing the drawing…

Review: RGH Oil Paint

RGH Oils is a small manufacturer that promotes its wide-range of lead-based whites. I think that is smart. There is an opportunity here for small suppliers to fill the gap left as the larger companies cut production–and raise prices to lurid heights. After using the paints from my first order (shipped instantly, by the way),…

Tom Hudson

I placed my first order with RGH Paints. They are a small outfit that prides itself on their extensive line of lead white paint. They offer flake white in an assortment of binders and sizes. I ordered a small tube of the cold-pressed version along with a few other colors. If their stuff is any good, that’s a big deal now that some of the big boys have throttled back production of lead paint. As most oil painters know, lead white is the most valuable and useful paint. After I give their stuff a proper workout, I’ll update my Oil Paint Brand reference.

Review: 43rd Student Show The Galleries at CSU

This is my second review of a Cleveland State U. student exhibition. Like last year’s show, the quality is student-grade but compares well with student shows at higher profile schools, like the Cleveland Institute of Art. The biggest difference between the two is that students at the latter produce more formal conceptional pieces. Also like last year’s show there…

In the studio 4/27/14

I’ve been painting one color for several days–gray: neutral gray, cool gray, warm gray, off-white, and mud. Lately I’ve used Michael Harding lead white.which is very good and cheaper than Blockx and Old Holland. I’m well into a cycle of large paintings (large for me, that is). Most of them are into the 4′ x…

Gabriel García Márquez

Gabriel García Márquez died last Thursday. The great writer was 87. The Colombian writer won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982. Marquez was a leading practitioner of magic realism, which is style that incorporates fantastic or magical elements into otherwise normal situations. That is a poor label because is assumes that reality is a known.…

Art museums and technology

Cleveland Museum of Art's New Atrium

In their fierce competition for the vast pool of entertainment dollars, art museums are attempting to use technology to reinvent themselves.  The theme-park-ization of museums is replete with interactive attractions and high-tech gewgaws.  On the surface this sounds, if not exactly winning, reasonable.  After all, what could be more natural for our (so-called) cultural leaders than to provide technological leadership as well.…

Tom Hudson

April 15.

Tax day.

It snowed in NE Ohio.

Tonight is the full blood moon.

An ominous day.

In the studio 2014-4-13

Here is the newest studio update. The drawing on the floor started as a painting on canvas board, but I was having so much fun drawing, I decided to finish it that way. I still plan a painting on the same subject–the Sangre de Cristo mountain range in Colorado. I prepared the canvas board using…

In the studio 4/6/2014

Two Cakes is 48″ x 48″. Unfinished, of course, as are most of the paintings shown in the  “In the studio” posts. The left-side of the small container holds my standard medium: cold-pressed linseed oil+turpentine, + drops of copal varnish and coutrai drier. When I want firm, and fast-drying passages, I put the same mix…

Glop, goo, and jelly

I’ve never understood the fascination with thick, viscous oil painting mediums. Used for special effects, such mediums are perfectly fine, but for everyday work they are completely useless. I scratch my head whenever I see recipes based wholly on balsams or thickened oils–goo.  Closely related to the goos are the jelly-like mediums–the glops. There are a…