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Studio mess
As this photograph demonstrates, I need more studio space. Not shown are the larger--5' x 6'-- paintings that are precariously stacked on one another. My separate storage area is overflowing with even larger paintings, like…
In the studio 3/16/2014
I worked on "The Call" these past two days. It's getting there-it's beginning to make my eyes happy when I look at it. [caption id="attachment_3206" align="aligncenter" width="544"] On the easel 3/16/2014, painting titled The Call…
Prevent oil paint from drying with oil of cloves
Artists usually doctor their oil paint to make them dry faster. By decreasing drying times, paintings can be reworked sooner and completed faster. Siccative agents, such as lead, also enhance the handling qualities of oil…
Return of an Old Friend
After a long and (for me) painful absence for conservation, Andrea del Sarto's The Sacrifice of Isaac is once again on display at the Cleveland Museum of Art. [caption id="attachment_3202" align="aligncenter" width="444"] The Sacrifice of Isaac, by…
Storm clobbered
Yesterday's storm highlighted--as if it was necessary--once again that this is the Winter From Hell. Our furnace stopped working during the wee hours and the high today is in the low teens. It could have…
Confirmation at the Holy Rosary Cathedral in Toledo Ohio
We drove through the snow to the magnificent Holy Rosary Cathedral in Toledo for my son's confirmation. The eighth-grade class from Keith's school--St. Paul's in Norwalk--along with several other schools were confirmed together in solemn…