Tag: painting material

RGH and Blue Ridge oils

Along with Winsor Newton, Blue Ridge and RGH oils get a lot of use on my palette.   The categories I use to rate manufacturers in my oil paint brand reference–low-end, mid-range, and high-end–are based on price and quality. While there is a lot of churn in the low-end category, most brands are student-grade and…

In the studio 11/22/16

I worked on these three small paintings yesterday.  I am trying to keep all three simple.  Millie Talking, the painting sitting on the floor, is almost done. There are a few that still needs ‘saying.’ According to my Studio Journal, I notice that I’ve worked on the two landscapes at the same time, one after the…

In the studio 10/9/16

I worked on several paintings over the past few days. I also applied the ground to the canvas on the right-side of the photo.  The tone is burnt sienna, raw umber, and white.  I used to use warm grounds based on burnt sienna but lately I’ve used gray.  So I am reverting to my earlier…

In the studio 8/28/16

This painting is still raggedy;  some parts, such as the hair, are barely started.  The thing I’m not happy with is the title: Phone Call on Main Street.  It’s not so much a title as a description. I don’t like the raised edges that can occur where two carefully-painted areas meet.  Beneath the bench, you…

Preparing canvases

I spent most of the day drawing, getting two new paintings ready.  This afternoon I started stretching canvases.  I plan to stretch 6. I’m a crackerjack canvas stretcher, I’ve done it so often, but even I can learn new tricks.  I used to put the staples on the stretcher edge but I’ve started putting the…

In the studio 7/6/16

I’ve stretched and gessoed a large number of canvases this week.  Soon, my store of stretchers will be exhausted.  I’m concentrating on several dimensions: 36″ x 48″,  40″ x 50″, and 44″ x 60″.  I have 6-10 paintings in each of those dimensions in various states of finish. We celebrated my wife’s birthday yesterday–porterhouse steaks,…