Tag: painting material

Busy palette

I prepared today’s medium and took yesterday’s palette out of the butcher’s tray where I store it. (The rectangular palette is my workaday palette; I only use the traditional oval one to mix certain tones.) I use my workaday palette 2- or sometimes 3-days running before cleaning it. Even stored in the covered tray the colors…

Synthetic brushes

I wrote about my antipathy toward synthetic brushes. This photo illustrates the point I made in the linked post. The four synthetic brushes on the left are old and misshapen.  In my experience, synthetics quickly lose their shape and become good for little other than effects or glazes. The best thing about them, by far, is their cheap price. But this…

Old painting medium revisited

I’ve written before about my oil medium. I wasn’t exaggerating when I wrote that my medium, one I’ve used for years, is the result of many, many trials.  I haven’t used every possible medium, of course, but I’ve tried a lot of them. No one can try all possible combinations.  Recently, I revisited one of my…

In the studio 9/28/15

The Girl in the Purple Boots is 40″ x 50.” I enjoy the size so much, I prepared 6 additional canvases of the same size. One is in the drawing stage and another is in the early painting stage. The Girl in the Purple Boots is composed from three photos taken in Manhattan. It’s not part of…