Artless by Michael Lind
In his article in The Smart Set, Michael Lind writes about how Millennials are disinterested in the fine arts: "...Trends in American painting ever since the plate paintings of Julian Schnabel are not a big…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
In his article in The Smart Set, Michael Lind writes about how Millennials are disinterested in the fine arts: "...Trends in American painting ever since the plate paintings of Julian Schnabel are not a big…
Grandfather was turned against the wall for a long time; I just didn't like the direction it was going. Since then I've completely altered the background by adding the landscape through the window, and the…
It's been a slow boating season so far. The Betty Jane has some serious leaks in the fresh water system. (You can see the bilge water pouring out at the bow.) When I first discovered…
Problems solved in dreams. I have prophetic dreams, only they NEVER pan out--they're just memorable dreams. My wife, on the other hand, has insights and flashes that DO pan out. It's eerie. Problems are sometimes solved…
Yesterday's session with Taking Note was my 6th, according to my trusty studio journal. It's coming along--so far so good. With such a simple design, the drawing has to carry the load. Well, that's true for…
The new Whitney. The Whitney Museum recently opened its new digs in Chelsea. My first (tiny) apartment in New York was in Chelsea (20th & 8th), of course, that was before Chelsea became an art…
For an artist, Nightcrawler is a fascinating movie. Nightcrawler, released in 2014 and starring Jake Gyllenhaal, is about a bottom feeder, Lou Bloom (Gyllenhaal), who discovers the world of crime scene photo-journalism. Bloom, armed with…
Steven Pressfield's the War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles offers pop psychology advice to struggling writers and artists. Pressfield is most known for his novel and film The Legend…
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