Dayton Art Institute—Fail
The Dayton Art Institute is handsomely situated on a hill above the Great Miami River. The museum’s beautiful Italianate main wing provides a remarkable view of the Dayton skyline. Travelers along I-75 passing beneath the…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
The Dayton Art Institute is handsomely situated on a hill above the Great Miami River. The museum’s beautiful Italianate main wing provides a remarkable view of the Dayton skyline. Travelers along I-75 passing beneath the…
Robert Smith was an American artist who died in 1985. When I knew him, he already was an elderly man. He lived with his teenage son in Kettering, Ohio in a French chateau-type building that…
I’ve loved art as far back as I can remember. During the summer before First Grade we moved to a farm, and while exploring the barn loft (true story), I was thrilled to discover a…
Hurricane Sandy came our way and mixed with the Nor'easter that was already pounding our shores. This video was shot as I walked across our backyard. Towards the end of the video, you can see…
The winds from a furious Nor'easter pound against the studio windows. Whitecaps crash against the shore one after the other with ceaseless regularity, their white froth nearlty reaching the studio door. They say this storm…
Another lifelong habit I have is working on several--sometimes very many--painting simultaneously. I will put a painting aside to be taken up later any number of times. I might work on a painting a dozen…
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