Turpentine diaries 2/10/19
I had good painting sessions with Fork. The painting is so large, 4.5 x 5.5 feet, that I started painting portions of it before I completed all parts of the drawing. Today I completed the…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
I had good painting sessions with Fork. The painting is so large, 4.5 x 5.5 feet, that I started painting portions of it before I completed all parts of the drawing. Today I completed the…
I finished these three paintings today. Yeah, that's a lot for me. But all of them have been 'almost' done for some time. Paintings can represent problems to solve and after I solve them, if…
The first session with my new painting, Fork, mangled a new brush. Fork is a large painting, 54" x 66". Because it's so large I am not transferring a cartoon to the canvas but drawing…
Yesterday, Lake Erie exhibited the sluggishness that precedes freezing, and this morning we see the frozen tundra. The winds calmed but the wind chill is below zero. I am a little under the weather today--a…
NE Ohio was pounded by a winter storm overnight. At noon, we--my wife, daughter, and me--braved the gusting winds and blowing snow to clear the driveway. We had to shovel through snow drifts just to…
Booth at the Fair ( or At the Fair or The Fair) is 44" x 60," which makes it one of the larger canvases I've worked on recently. I am working on the drawing for…
So you've embraced the two related studio aphorisms I discussed in this recent post: fat over lean, and make the lights thick but keep the darks thin. In practical terms what does this mean? Oil…
This morning I finished the first painting of 2019, Along 4th Street. Today's session was the 14th with this painting, which is par for a painting of this size, 40"x 50." The finished 'Along 4th…
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