Another canvas ready
I applied the second and last oil ground to this new 44" x 60" canvas. I made the tone by adding a little burnt umber and burnt sienna to the Williamsburg lead-oil ground. I applied…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
I applied the second and last oil ground to this new 44" x 60" canvas. I made the tone by adding a little burnt umber and burnt sienna to the Williamsburg lead-oil ground. I applied…
Because Lake Erie is the shallowest of the Great Lakes, it's very changeable. Mild storms can transform into violet cataclysms instantly. Inexperienced boaters are regularly caught out. Small boats swamped while desperately making for the…
When I woke at 6:00 AM, I thought a helicopter was outside my bedroom shining a searchlight onto the shore. The authorities still haven't found the body of the man drowned in a recent boating…
As with every Christmas week in NE Ohio, the weather is dismal and gray. When I saw this gold stuff spread about our living room, I grabbed my camera to memorialize the strange event. "What…
I never use a palette knife on my palette. To mix a tone, I plunge my brush into the paints and use the brush to mix what I need. For example, on this nearly-fresh palette,…
I got my tube of Maimeri Puro Naples yellow with my last paint purchase. All paints purchased that day were unrated on my oil paint reference. I've used this brand before and put it on…
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